Thursday, June 20, 2013

Signs Your Water Heater Needs Maintenance

Is your water heater running efficiently?


Signs Your Water Heater Needs MaintenanceA leaky water heater is an obvious sign of trouble in a water heater, but there are other hidden problems that could eventually cost you money and probably a new water heater. Small leaks around a water heater is never good, but if there is a large body of standing water is an indication of a serious problem. All leaks should be attended to immediately by a professional plumber to prevent flooding damage to walls, floors, and ceilings.

A water heater's life span is generally between eight and twelve years or up to twenty years, depending upon daily usage. An older water heater will soon need to be replaced, while newer water heaters are now more energy efficient. Other indicators that a water heater has developed a problem and needs maintenance, includes smelly water or rusty colored water. Calcium, iron bacteria, and sulfur build up is the culprit that initiates the rust and smell.

Other possible maintenance issues for an eroding water heater is a rattling or gurgling sound. Water heaters are normally a quiet appliance, as soon as it begins to make noises, repair is the next step. An annual check up for older model water heaters and for newer models is always a good idea which will save wear, time, and money.

Having a water heater inspected on a regular basis for sediment issues will also save wear on a water heater tank. If an older water heater is not drained, flushed, and cleaned at least once a year, sediment will build up, which is another reason that a water tank can begin leaking. A professional plumber can also detect the right pressure on the water heater's relief valve or install a pressure regulating valve. They can also drain the tank of sediments and rust particles, check for corrosion, and check for worn anode rods.

Is your water heater running up to speed? Are you in need of water heater maintenance in the Atlanta area? Give us a call at 404-753-9191 and let us solve the problem for you!

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