You should consider hiring a plumber for your remodeling project
Remodeling a bathroom really requires the skill of a licensed plumber. If you are thinking of, or have started remodeling your bathroom, you should consult with a plumber to get his help and professional opinion on the project. He will know how to start the project, how to handle any issues that may come up during the process, and how to finish off the project so that your bathroom is ready to go, and ready to be used by the time you need to move in your home, or need to have your bathroom functional in your existing home.
A plumber will submit to you, a written estimate on the cost of remodeling your bathroom, before he starts and before you make your decision on which plumber to use. A plumber will have a written agreement as to what is expected of him, and what his responsibilities are. He will list materials needed and projected to be needed. He will list the cost of materials as well as the cost of his time. You will know ahead of time, what you can expect to pay.
A plumber will also know what permits, if any, are required to renovate. He is knowledgeable on the process and can you upfront, what types of permits will be required, as well as how much they run. He can get the paperwork for you to apply for the permits, as well as make sure there are not any glitches in getting them.
If you try to go it alone, you may wind up with a non-functional bathroom, and for an extended period of time, so give the experts at Plumbing For Less a call at 404-753-9191 and let us help you with your bathroom remodel.
Thanks for the information! I've been searching for an Atlanta plumbing company to help me with my own bathroom remodel. Do you have any specific company you would recommend?