Thursday, June 27, 2013
Signs Your Sump Pump Needs To Be Replaced
Benefits of a Summer Drain Cleaning
Is your drain flowing smoothly?
It’s summer time and the living is supposed to be easier. However, it can wreak havoc on your drains. Summer is the most opportune time to have your drains cleaned professionally, while the weather is nice and cooperating on your terms. Left unattended drains can create plumbing problems that are difficult to tackle. Licensed plumbers are the only people to consider to clear drains.
One of the main culprits to problem drains is hard water. This is because the minerals collect in the pipes and cause calcium and other build up, that is harder to remove. Many people have traps on the opening of their drains to collect hair, but hair entanglement is another issue that needs to be addressed because it interrupts the water flow.
Tree greenery is beautiful in summer and the shade it provides against the sun is comforting. The hot summer climate causes a growth spurt among trees and other plants and their roots tend to spread more during this time. Watch out for tree roots that infiltrate your drains. Getting a professional plumber to remove roots from the drainage is necessary to prevent clogging of your plumbing system.
A more common drain blocker is cooking grease. Some cooks know how to whirl up the dishes that receive compliments well after the meals are consumed. If the grease gets into your sink, it is doomed to disaster. Never pour the grease into your drain. Solid grease is very difficult on the drain and extremely difficult to clear from the drain.
Ordinary elbow grease will only rid your drain of debris temporarily. Professional plumbers have the proper equipment that will rid the drain of clogs as well as clean the pipes of dirt and soap scum that hamper the flow of the drain. Contacting a professional plumber to clear your drains this summer will relieve any worries you have about free flowing drains.
If your Atlanta home needs to have its drain cleaned this summer, then give us a call at 404-753-9191 and let us take care of the problem for you!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
The Many Benefits of Summer Drain Cleaning
Signs Your Water Heater Needs Maintenance
Is your water heater running efficiently?
A leaky water heater is an obvious sign of trouble in a water heater, but there are other hidden problems that could eventually cost you money and probably a new water heater. Small leaks around a water heater is never good, but if there is a large body of standing water is an indication of a serious problem. All leaks should be attended to immediately by a professional plumber to prevent flooding damage to walls, floors, and ceilings.
A water heater's life span is generally between eight and twelve years or up to twenty years, depending upon daily usage. An older water heater will soon need to be replaced, while newer water heaters are now more energy efficient. Other indicators that a water heater has developed a problem and needs maintenance, includes smelly water or rusty colored water. Calcium, iron bacteria, and sulfur build up is the culprit that initiates the rust and smell.
Other possible maintenance issues for an eroding water heater is a rattling or gurgling sound. Water heaters are normally a quiet appliance, as soon as it begins to make noises, repair is the next step. An annual check up for older model water heaters and for newer models is always a good idea which will save wear, time, and money.
Having a water heater inspected on a regular basis for sediment issues will also save wear on a water heater tank. If an older water heater is not drained, flushed, and cleaned at least once a year, sediment will build up, which is another reason that a water tank can begin leaking. A professional plumber can also detect the right pressure on the water heater's relief valve or install a pressure regulating valve. They can also drain the tank of sediments and rust particles, check for corrosion, and check for worn anode rods.
Is your water heater running up to speed? Are you in need of water heater maintenance in the Atlanta area? Give us a call at 404-753-9191 and let us solve the problem for you!
Thursday, June 13, 2013
How To Tell If Your Sump Pump Needs Maintenance
Is your sump pump running up to speed?
Looking For A Plumber In Middletown?
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Are You Ready To Deal With A Plumbing Emergency In Middletown?
Reasons Why You Should Hire A Plumber For Your Bathroom Remodel Project
You should consider hiring a plumber for your remodeling project
Remodeling a bathroom really requires the skill of a licensed plumber. If you are thinking of, or have started remodeling your bathroom, you should consult with a plumber to get his help and professional opinion on the project. He will know how to start the project, how to handle any issues that may come up during the process, and how to finish off the project so that your bathroom is ready to go, and ready to be used by the time you need to move in your home, or need to have your bathroom functional in your existing home.
A plumber will submit to you, a written estimate on the cost of remodeling your bathroom, before he starts and before you make your decision on which plumber to use. A plumber will have a written agreement as to what is expected of him, and what his responsibilities are. He will list materials needed and projected to be needed. He will list the cost of materials as well as the cost of his time. You will know ahead of time, what you can expect to pay.
A plumber will also know what permits, if any, are required to renovate. He is knowledgeable on the process and can you upfront, what types of permits will be required, as well as how much they run. He can get the paperwork for you to apply for the permits, as well as make sure there are not any glitches in getting them.
If you try to go it alone, you may wind up with a non-functional bathroom, and for an extended period of time, so give the experts at Plumbing For Less a call at 404-753-9191 and let us help you with your bathroom remodel.