Friday, September 6, 2013

Why a Plumbing Inspection is a Must for New Homeowners

Importance of a Plumbing Inspections


Atlanta PlumberThe value of working plumbing is not understood until it is not working. It is for this reason why periodic inspections of the plumbing system should be made to your home to ensure that the system is in good repair and working well. A plumbing inspection is even more important for new home buyers and owners.

Home buyers need to be fully appraised of the condition of the home that they are considering buying. Whether it be electrical systems or plumbing, knowing ahead of time the health of the entire home will save thousands of dollars later. It is also important to ensure that the home's plumbing is working.

New home owners will want to make sure that the inspection of the plumbing is extensive. This means that the health of the drainage pipes must also be done. Sediment can build up in these pipes and cause blockages as well as burst pipes if pressure from a block gets to intense.

Sometimes a faulty or poor installation job in new homes can also lead to sewer breaks and back ups as well as flooding. This is averted if an inspection is made and the problem is caught before it becomes a problem. It is also usually much more affordable to fix a problem before it becomes a major issue with the home.

A home plumbing inspection can also make a difference in the price a new home buyer will pay for a home. If the plumbing will need to be redone or fixed, this offers a sounding board where negotiations on final price can begin. If an expensive repair is in the soon future, the price can be brought down.

This also works on the positive end of the bargain as well. If the plumbing system is shown to be rather new with new fixtures, this can bring down the price of the insurance on the home. This will save the owner money and can raise the price of the home. No matter what the outcome of a plumbing inspection it is a good idea to always get one before purchasing a home.

Are you looking for a reliable residential plumber in the Atlanta area? Contact Plumbing For Less at 404-753-9191 and schedule a service call today!

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