Friday, August 23, 2013

Reasons to Avoid Chemical Drain Cleaning Solutions to Unclog Your Drain

Need a drain cleaning?

Atlanta Drain CleaningNearly everyone has seen the commercial, the stressed-out homeowner’s sink is clogged. However, a bottle of store-bought drain cleaner instantly and miraculously clears it. This is mostly fiction, chemical drain cleaners do help in some cases, but in other cases they can cause more harm than help.

Why? One reason is because chemical drain cleaners contain harsh ingredients such as sulfuric and hydrochloric acid. Both of these destroy plastic pipes, creating holes and cracks after constant use. Even metal piping can corrode if exposed to store-bought chemical drain cleaners over a long period of time. This creates an added expense.

Even if a chemical drain cleaner clears a clog, all the chemicals don’t always wash away. The same chemical that dissolved the clog remains in the pipe causing damage over time. Also, if you use chemical cleaners constantly the left-over residue will build up and itself cause a clog. It’s not just pipes you should avoid using chemical drain cleaners on. Using chemical drain cleaners in toilets can also cause problems. When you add chemicals to water in a toilet bowl, there’s a chance the chemicals will heat the water. This can cause the bowl to crack – a dangerous incident that’s also expensive when factoring the cost of a new bowl.

There is also the issue of damage to fixtures and pipes. The hydrochloric acid in liquid drain cleaners can destroy enamel on sinks and bathtubs. The acid also dissolves metal, making holes in pipes and creating leaks. The added expense of replacing pipes or fixtures isn’t worth it.

At the same time, chemical cleaners can be dangerous to your health if not used properly. Sulfuric acid, for example, emits poisonous fumes that irritate the skin, eyes and throat.Chemical drain cleaner bottles typically list these warnings.

Finally, chemical cleaners are not all what they are cracked up to be. No chemical, not even sulfuric acid, can clear every clog. For every simple hair clog there is also an instance of roots invading pipes. Call for professional help rather than use chemical drain cleaners and risk damage to your home and health. Is your Atlanta home in need of a drain cleaning? Call us at 404-753-9191 and schedule an appointment today!

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