What should be highlighted most here is the darkest and most certainly the dampest part of the kitchen. That is the kitchen sink; most particularly, the garbage disposal. It's here that most people will turn to once they finish up their meal and the scraps are left to be scraped into the hole, at which point the disposal would be flicked on, and most expect that the running water and blades will do all the work. This is not usually the case as some of it can be left behind and over time, after many meals pass, that little bit of each food item disposed of can begin to accumulate. It is at this point that a funky smell can begin to start and the starting stages of mold could be the culprit.
In order to keep your garbage disposal cleaned, it's vital that you get your hands on a chemical-based disposal cleaner, which can be purchased at most nearby shopping marts. It's just as important to actually use said cleaner and on a regular basis. That doesn't mean that it needs to be cleaned every day, in fact you should follow the instructions on the cleaner in order to know the exact amount of time to apply it. It's a good practice to write this amount of time down somewhere that you will see it often. The fridge is a good place for a sticky note or two. A maintenance service call by a professional plumber is always recommended to ensure proper functioning.
Besides cleaning your disposal regularly, it's important to turn the disposal on for a good amount of time with running water in order to make sure you break down the food well enough, after every piece of food is disposed of. If this is not the case, then it could cause for large chunks of food to be sitting there for days or weeks at a time and may cause clots which will be bothersome to clear out later on.
For professional garbage disposal repairs and maintenance contact Plumbing for Less today at 404-753-9191! Proudly Servicing Union city and its surrounding areas.
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